What Happens If A Restraining Order Is Violated In SC?

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Violating a restraining order in South Carolina is no laughing matter. If you’ve found yourself on the wrong side of this legal fence, buckle up – you’re in for a bumpy ride.

The Consequences: More Than Just a Slap on the Wrist

When you violate a restraining order in the Palmetto State, you’re not just breaking a promise – you’re breaking the law. The severity of the consequences depends on the type of order you’ve violated and how you’ve violated it.

Temporary Restraining Orders: A Costly Mistake

If you’ve decided to test the waters by violating a temporary restraining order, prepare for a rude awakening. You could be looking at up to 30 days behind bars and a fine of $500. That’s a hefty price to pay for a moment of poor judgment.

Permanent Restraining Orders: Playing with Fire

Violating a permanent restraining order? Now you’re really playing with fire. The stakes are higher, and so are the penalties. You could face up to 12 months in jail and a fine of up to $1,500. That’s a year of your life and a significant chunk of change on the line.

When Things Get Really Serious

If you thought those consequences were tough, hold onto your hat. Violating a restraining order by visiting a domestic violence shelter can land you in prison for up to three years. And if you decide to bring a dangerous weapon into the mix? You’re looking at up to five years in the slammer.

Beyond the Bars: The Ripple Effect

The consequences of violating a restraining order don’t stop at jail time and fines. This violation can send shockwaves through your entire life:

  1. Custody battles: If you’re in the midst of a custody dispute, a restraining order violation could seriously damage your chances of getting custody or visitation rights.
  2. Employment woes: With a criminal conviction on your record, finding a job becomes an uphill battle.
  3. Housing hurdles: Landlords aren’t keen on renting to those with criminal records, making finding a place to live more challenging.
  4. Military career concerns: If you’re serving in the military, a restraining order violation could impact your service.

The Smart Move: Respect the Order

The best way to avoid these consequences? Respect the restraining order. It’s not just a piece of paper – it’s a legal document with the full weight of the law behind it. If you have concerns about the order, the smart move is to work through the legal system to address them, not to take matters into your own hands.

Further Knowledge

Want to dive deeper into the world of restraining orders in South Carolina? Check out these resources:

when it comes to restraining orders, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Stay informed, stay compliant, and stay out of trouble.